Community Radio for Social Harmony
October 31, 2024Who We Are
Community Radio is an important and useful in the field of mass communication media. This communication medium is a significant positive development in different parts of the world to set an example, but in Bangladesh it was launched in 2010. Community Radio and other media, at the comparative stage Community Radios are in very marginal position. Community Radio has launched in Bangladesh as a result of the 12 years advocacy program. The Bangladesh government has granted licenses to 32 organizations and 17 community radio are on-airing and 16 more are in the process anew. Through public participation in the development of the community-based media, local and national government as a partner institution is going to play a significant role. Bangladesh Community Radio Association (BCRA) in various stages of development and coordination of Community Radio has been formed consisting of entrepreneurs.
Published on: Friday, 1 June 2018, 01:45 am | Last update: Thursday, 7 February 2019, 03:28 pm | Total views: 1903.