Community Radio for Social Harmony

Community Radio for Social Harmony

Community Radio Nalta, one of the coastal Radios, broadcasted a radio program on social harmony with the participation of a Hindu Priest, an Imam and male-female youth. The radio program was carried out after receiving a online training titled “Empowering community radio content creation: addressing mis/disinformation and hate speech” which has been conducted by Mr. Faisal BIn Majid,  Faisal Bin Majid, Project Manager, PTIB and his team from United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Bangladesh, Md. Aktarul Islam, Communication and Coordination Officer, Ms. Rebecca Sultana, Project Officer, UNDP, Ms. Tasnimun Nahar, Project Officer, UNDP. During the session Noore Jannat Proma, Sector Lead Communication and Information Officer, UNESCO shared her thoughts at the opening remarks. UNESCO Dhaka Office and BCRA jointly organized a series of workshops with 16 Community Radios. After receiving the workshop, Radio Nalta broadcasted a radio program. BCRA will share other radios’ activities as a series of campaigns.


Published on: Thursday, 31 October 2024, 06:16 pm | Last update: Thursday, 31 October 2024, 06:23 pm | Total views: 274.